Setelah kita sudah mendapat liputan terbaik dengan tingkat terbaik

Posted by Oni Zamroni on Sunday, November 18, 2012

headrest car dvd player setelah kita sudah mendapat liputan terbaik dengan tingkat terbaik, yang harus kita lakukan adalah untuk tetap seperti itu dengan menghindari hal-hal yang bisa menyebabkan kita
kehilangan beberapa peningkatan perlindungan dan tingkat. Sebagai contoh, dalam kasus asuransi mobil, kita harus menjadi sopir yang aman, menghindari kecelakaan, dan mencoba
untuk menghindari membuat klaim terlalu banyak. Sedangkan untuk cara mudah belajar akuntansi asuransi pemilik rumah ', kita dapat mencoba untuk meminimalkan risiko kewajiban kami dengan menempatkan pagar di
sekitar kolam renang atau memiliki pengawasan orang dewasa ketika orang berada di rumah. Kami mungkin juga mempertimbangkan perbaikan kecil sendiri tanpa membuat klaim.
Everything About Life Insurance!
By Michael Aponte

I want to start off this 2010 with an article regarding Life Insurance. Many people find this topic morbid but believe me when I say this contract is as important as a Will and
should be taken just as seriously as health insurance. Due to the length in details of this article I have provided chapters for easy reading. I hope this will educate you on
Life Insurance and the importance of its necessity. (Note: For better understanding "You" is the policy owner and the insured)


1= Introduction

2=When/If you have Life Insurance already

3= Difference between a Insurance Agent and Broker

4= Types of Policies

5= What are Riders and popular types of Riders

6= The medical exam

1) About general Life Insurance:
This is a contract between you and an insurance company to pay a certain amount (the premium) to a company in exchange for a benefit (called the Death Benefit, face amount, or
policy amount) to the beneficiary (the person you want to get paid in the time of your death). This can range based on the type of policy (which will be discussed momentarily),
your health, your hobbies, the Insurance company, how much you can afford in premiums, AND the amount of the benefit. It sounds overwhelming but it is not if you have the right
agent or broker.

Now many people can say that Life Insurance is like gambling. You are betting that you will die in a specific time and the insurance company bets you won't. If the insurer wins,

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